Friday 16 December 2016

Back and Better

Hey guys, so back at it again,  after 3 month of a "break"  I finally can take my blog seriously. These past few months to say the least have been quite hectic for me from beginning 2nd year in univeristy, being president of a society, starting a new job to just personal life I truly have not had time to actually write which is quite sad as i've missed writing for my own pleasure. But things about to CHANGE. 

So as were going to a new year there are so many thing that I want to achieve and do in the new year, Whether it is in my personal life, University or just in general with my blog. In the next few weeks I will be organising myself ( being organised has not always been my strength) and I will share the different ways I will be doing this with what to also expect from me. 

 At least if I write about it, it's documented somewhere and I can't go back on my words :) 

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